Monday, February 7, 2011


I'm trying to keep better track of the recipes that I like to cook a lot, and printing them out and assembling them into a book or committing them to memory was just not happening. So, I decided to start archiving things on a blog so I can find them anytime, and so can you! Maybe I will eventually add pretty pictures of the food, too, because I know I don't really like to cook someone else's recipe without at least seeing a picture of it first.

Cooking and baking is a nice escape from the stresses of law school, and I enjoy trying new recipes as well as modifying old ones. Being 90% vegan (sometimes I eat a little cheese) and 100% too poor to eat out every day, I pretty much have to cook a lot. Time is often an issue, so my recipes usually have an emphasis on doing things quickly (ie, using a jar of spaghetti sauce instead of making sauce from scratch...). They're often pretty basic, I'm not saying I'm some super good cook, and I might be the only one that reads this :) And I'm not going to copy someone else's recipe, change the amount of salt in it, and say that mine is "loosely based" off theirs - whatever. I'll give credit where credit is due when I can! I just hope others benefit from my recipe collection and can use it to find something new, healthy, and tasty to cook for dinner.

Oh, one odd thing: you probably won't find mushrooms on here. I'm the only veg person that doesn't like mushrooms. But they can easily be added to most recipes if you're normal and like mushrooms.

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